
Showing posts from September, 2020

Use @Initbinder in Spring MVC

In this blog we will learn how to use @initbinder Annotation in Spring MVC. We will walk through a small example with help of a demo application. If you’re familiar with MVC architecture ,you must all be aware that controller is used for processing the web request and rendering the response to the View. Now,Initbinder comes into picture if you want to customize the request being sent to the controller.It is defined in the controller, helps in controlling and formatting each and every request that comes to it. This annotation is used with the methods which initializes  WebDataBinder  and works as a preprocessor for each request coming to the controller. InitBinder interaction with other Components Seems lot of gyaan right ! So,now to explain this let’s take an example. Consider we have student management portal for a school ,which manages the information of all the students present in the school.It has a feature for registering a student when he is admitted to the school. So the form lo