How to handle String inputs for Integer fields

Development Process

If the user enters String input such as "abcde" for the Free Passes integer field, we'd like to give a descriptive error message.

We basically need to override the default Spring MVC validation messages.
Follow these steps.
1. In your Eclipse project, expand the node: Java Resources
2. Right-click the src directory and create a new sub-directory: resources
3. Right-click the resources sub-directory and create a new file named:
Your directory structure should look like this:

4. Add the following entry to the file
5. Save file
This file contains key/value pairs for the error message type
For a basic example:
  typeMismatch.customer.freePasses=Invalid number
The format of the error key is:   code + "." + object name + "." + field
To find out the given error code, in your Spring controller, you can log the details of the binding result
 System.out.println("Binding result: " + theBindingResult);   
6. Edit your config file: WEB-INF/spring-mvc-demo-servlet.xml
Add the following:
7. Save the file. Restart the Tomcat server
8. Run your app and add bad data for the "Free Passes" field. You will see the error message from our properties file.


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