Use properties file to load select options (Drop down list) in spring form
This solution will show you how to place the country options in a properties file. The values will no longer be hard coded in the Java code.
1. Create a properties file to hold the countries. It will be a name value pair. Country code is name. Country name is the value.
New text file: WEB-INF/
- BR=Brazil
- FR=France
- CO=Colombia
- IN=India
Note the location of the properties file is very important. It must be stored in WEB-INF/
2. Update header section for Spring config file
We are going to use a new set of Spring tags for <util>. As a result, you need to update the header information in the Spring config file.
File: spring-mvc-dmo-servlet.xml
Remove the previous header and add this.
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <beans xmlns=""
- xmlns:context=""
- xmlns:mvc=""
- xmlns:util=""
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation="
3. Load the country options properties file in the Spring config file. Bean id: countryOptions
File: spring-mvc-dmo-servlet.xml
Add the following lines:
<util:properties id="countryOptions" location="classpath:../" />
4. Inject the properties values into your Spring Controller:
- @Value("#{countryOptions}")
- private Map<String, String> countryOptions;
5. Add the country options to the Spring MVC model. Attribute name: theCountryOptions
- @RequestMapping("/showForm")
- public String showForm(Model theModel) {
- // create a student object Student
- Student theStudent = new Student();
- // add student object to the model
- theModel.addAttribute("student", theStudent);
- // add the country options to the model
- theModel.addAttribute("theCountryOptions", countryOptions);
- return "student-form";
- }
6. Update the JSP page, student-form.jsp, to use the new model attribute for the drop-down list: theCountryOptions
- <form:select path="country">
- <form:options items="${theCountryOptions}" />
- </form:select>
7. Remove all references to country option from your
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